To put 902798 in the ten thousand place, you would need to understand the place value system. The ten thousand place is the fourth digit from the right in a whole number. In this case, the digit in the ten thousand place is 0. Therefore, 902798 already has 0 in the ten thousand place.
Ten times.
There is no greatest number. Given any number with the digit 3 in the ten thousand place, it is always possible to add a billion (for example). That would still leave the 3 in the ten thousand place but would be a greater number.
6-Ones 5-Ten 4-Hundread 0-Thousand 3-Ten thousand..
In the decimal numbering system, the ten thousand place is four places to the left of the decimal point. For example, in the number 12,345.67, the digit in the ten thousand place is 2. This is because the ten thousand place represents a value of 10,000.
It is ten thousand times as large.
wich digit is the ten thousand in 489,051
34,000 0r 40,000
To round 11000 to the nearest ten thousand, we look at the digit in the ten thousand's place, which is 1. The digit to the right of it, in the thousands place, is 1. Since this digit is less than 5, we do not need to round up. Therefore, 11000 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is still 10000.
Ten times.
There is no greatest number. Given any number with the digit 3 in the ten thousand place, it is always possible to add a billion (for example). That would still leave the 3 in the ten thousand place but would be a greater number.
Oh, dude, you round off 4999 to the nearest ten thousand by looking at the digit in the ten thousand place, which is 0 in this case. Since it's less than 5, you just keep the ten thousand digit as 0 and change all the other digits to the right of it to 0. So, 4999 rounded off to the nearest ten thousand is 0.
2,476,500 The number 7 is in the ten thousandth place. 6 is in the thousandth place.
6-Ones 5-Ten 4-Hundread 0-Thousand 3-Ten thousand..