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Q: What direction is the boy facing when he faces west and turns 45 degrees?
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How many degrees is five right angle turns?

1 right angle turn = 90 degrees If each turn is in the opposite direction from the one before it, then there are 2 in one direction and 3 in the other direction, and 5 of them wind up turning you 90 degrees. If there is 1 turn in one direction and 4 in the other direction, then 5 of them wind up turning you 3/4 of a turn, or 270 degrees. If each turn is in the same direction, then 5 of them turn you 450 degrees, which has exactly the same effect as turning 90 degrees. So . . . five right angle turns can turn you 90 or 270 degrees from the direction you were originally facing, but they can't turn you 180 degrees or leave you facing the same way as you started. Holy Moly ! Do you see what that means ? It means that if you turn 90 degrees five times, it doesn't matter which way you turn each time, you're still going to wind up in the same position as if you had simply turned either to the right or to the left once !

What does it mean when an angle is negative?

An angle is a measure of turn. the amount of turn is the magnitude, measured in degrees, and direction of turn can be clockwise or anti-clockwise. A positive angle turns in an anti-clockwise direction while a negative angle turns in a clockwise direction.

What is the degree measure of a four right angle turn?

0, 180 or 360 degrees - depending on the direction of the turns.

What is the degree measure of five right angle turns?

Each turn is 90 degrees, therefore 90 x 5 = 450 degrees, if they are all in the same direction.

What is the degree measure of four right angle turns?

0, 180 or 360 degrees - depending on whether or not they are all in the same direction.

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What happens if a spacecraft is orbiting the earth and wants to go faster so turns the engines on?

That depends upon the direction in which it is facing when it turns its engine on. If it faces the direction in which it is already moving, the added speed will cause it to move to a higher orbit. If it faces against the direction in which it is moving to slow down, it will move to a lower orbit (or re-enter the atmosphere). If it faces any other direction, its orbit will change in various other ways.

How many degrees is five right angle turns?

1 right angle turn = 90 degrees If each turn is in the opposite direction from the one before it, then there are 2 in one direction and 3 in the other direction, and 5 of them wind up turning you 90 degrees. If there is 1 turn in one direction and 4 in the other direction, then 5 of them wind up turning you 3/4 of a turn, or 270 degrees. If each turn is in the same direction, then 5 of them turn you 450 degrees, which has exactly the same effect as turning 90 degrees. So . . . five right angle turns can turn you 90 or 270 degrees from the direction you were originally facing, but they can't turn you 180 degrees or leave you facing the same way as you started. Holy Moly ! Do you see what that means ? It means that if you turn 90 degrees five times, it doesn't matter which way you turn each time, you're still going to wind up in the same position as if you had simply turned either to the right or to the left once !

Which direction does an automotive alternator turn?

An alternator turns to the right, if facing pulley from side.

IS the moon facing west or east when it is a full moon?

The Moon has no east-west direction with respect to Earth. East-west describes the direction of, or opposite direction of a sphere that is rotating. (Like Earth.) As it turns out, the same side of the Moon always faces the Earth. The phases of the Moon, like full Moon, result from which direction the SUN is from the Moon and Earth.

How many degrees are in one and one half right angle turns?

A right turn is 90 degrees, and half that is 45 degrees. A right turn and half another turn is 90 plus 45 degrees, or 135 degrees. Provided the turns are in the same direction, that is.

How many degrees are in four 30 degree turns?

If all four turns are in the same direction, then the result is the same as a single 120-degree turn. If three are in the same direction and one is in the opposite direction, then the result is the same as single 90-degree turn. If two are left turns and the other two are right turns, then the result is the same as no turns at all.

What does it mean when an angle is negative?

An angle is a measure of turn. the amount of turn is the magnitude, measured in degrees, and direction of turn can be clockwise or anti-clockwise. A positive angle turns in an anti-clockwise direction while a negative angle turns in a clockwise direction.

What is the degree measure of a four right angle turn?

0, 180 or 360 degrees - depending on the direction of the turns.

What is the degree measure of five right angle turns?

Each turn is 90 degrees, therefore 90 x 5 = 450 degrees, if they are all in the same direction.

What if your facing west if you turn left three times then twice to the right what direction is behind you?

North... *if* you are in a video game. In real life, you would have to stipulate that every turn was exactly a number of degrees and that you were facing a main compass point every time, because it would be easy to just turn slightly, or over exaggerate the turns, and end up facing whatever way you wanted to.

What is the degree measure of four right angle turns?

0, 180 or 360 degrees - depending on whether or not they are all in the same direction.