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The mean deviation of a set of observations is always zero and so conveys no information whatsoever!

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Related questions

What is the sum of the deviations from the mean?

The sum of standard deviations from the mean is the error.

How many standard deviations is 16.50 from the mean?

How many standard deviations is 16.50 from the mean?

The sum of the deviations about the mean always equals what?

The sum of total deviations about the mean is the total variance. * * * * * No it is not - that is the sum of their SQUARES. The sum of the deviations is always zero.

Can the standard deviation or variance be negative?

No, a standard deviation or variance does not have a negative sign. The reason for this is that the deviations from the mean are squared in the formula. Deviations are squared to get rid of signs. In Absolute mean deviation, sum of the deviations is taken ignoring the signs, but there is no justification for doing so. (deviations are not squared here)

What does the sum of the deviations from the mean equal?


This tells how many standard deviations a measurement is away from the mean?

Z-Score tells how many standard deviations a measurement is away from the mean.

In a standard normal distribution 95 percent of the data is within plus standard deviations of the mean?

95% is within 2 standard deviations of the mean.

What does normality mean in health and social care?

All minor deviations occurring with two standard deviations under the Gaussian curve are considered normal. Deviations occurring outside of two standard deviations are considered abnormal.

How do you calculate the sum of the deviations from the mean?

multiply the mean by the amount of numbers

Is it possible to be 15 standard deviations from the mean?


The sum of the deviations from the mean is always?

0 (zero).

What is the standard deviation for Wechsler intelligence for children?

The mean for the WISC, like the WAIS, is 100. The deviations from 100, or standard deviations, are 15.