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Currency style format

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Q: What displays numbers with a fixed dollar sign to the left of the number?
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What displays numbers with a fixed number of decimal places?

A fixed-point number representation displays numbers with a fixed number of decimal places. This means that the number will always have the same number of digits after the decimal point, regardless of the value of the number itself.

What dollar sign displays to the far left in a cell?


Can 100 be a triangle number?

No. Triangle numbers are a fixed set of numbers that can't be altered to make one certain number turn into a triangle number.

What is a set of numbers placed at fixed distances?

It could be a ruler. Just a number line.

Is a dollar sign that is displayed to the far left of a cell in excel a floating or fixed dollar sign?


What Excel number format inserts thousand comma separators fixed dollar sign leaves small space for negative numbers?

You have the comma style that will do it from the toolbar, or you can do it by using the numeric format called Number and ticking the "Use 1000 Separator" tick box.

Benefits of using floating point arithmetic over fixed point arithmetic in CPUs?

Fixed point number usually allow only 8 bits (32 bit computing) of binary numbers for the fractional portion of the number which means many decimal numbers are recorded inaccurately. Floating Point numbers use exponents to shift the decimal point therefore they can store more accurate fractional values than fixed point numbers. However the CPU will have to perform extra arithmetic to read the number when stored in this format. Fixed point number usually allow only 8 bits (32 bit computing) of binary numbers for the fractional portion of the number which means many decimal numbers are recorded inaccurately. Floating Point numbers use exponents to shift the decimal point therefore they can store more accurate fractional values than fixed point numbers. However the CPU will have to perform extra arithmetic to read the number when stored in this format.

What is the definition of a set of numbers placed at fixed distances?

A number line or, in 2 or more dimensions a grid.

How long is a serial number?

There is no fixed or standard length. There are serial numbers of different lengths for different purposes.

What is The series of numbers placed at fixed distances on a graph?


What is the solution when steam displays no text?

I downloaded and installed a program called freetype. That seems to have fixed the problem.

What is the fixed number for pie?

The fixed number is 22/7