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Q: What distingueshes a line from a staff function?
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Difference between line and staff function?

The primary difference between line function and staff function is accountability. Line functions are typically used for sales and production, while staff functions are used in production planning and marketing.

In a line-and-staff pattern of organization Which position is most likely to serve a staff function a plant manager or a shift supervisor?

Plant Manager

What is the difference between line function and staff function?

The departments or employees of a firm that perform the core activities and contribute to its business directly are called line function example manufacturing and marketing. on the other hand the departments or employees that perform the support function and contribute indirectly to the business of a firm are termed as staff function example Human Resource Management and Finance. Rajnish

What are the question about line and staff concept in organization?

line and staff concept concept of line and staff organization

Differences between line and staff authority?

Line authority or function is a Direct or main function of an individual or department. It involves Direct and Legitimate Authority over subordinates. It decides what to do, and when to do it. eg., Production for a Manufacturing company. Staff Authority on the other hand is an assistant function as it guides line managers or functions into performing a specific activity. They are more specialized and therefore provide advice to Line authority. eg., Human Resource (HR) for a Manufacturing company.

What is the difference between the line and staff?

Line has authority to give order to subordinates. A staff can not give order. Staff can only suggest line. Hence line is responsible for the work of subordinates, but staff does not.

How can line and staff conflict be reduced?

technicques for reduced line and staff conflict

Discuss the different types of organizations bearing in mind the relationships between organizational control and leadership styles within such organizations?

Types of Organization:-1. Line or scale organization2. The line and staff organization3. Functional Organization4. Line, staff and function organization5. Matrix organization or Committee Organization

What is the difference between line relationship and staff relationship?

The difference between line relationship and staff relationship is that, line relationship receives command from the top management, while staff relationship is managed by all staff.

What is the meaning line and staff organization?

In this type of organization the functional specialists are added to the line, thus giving the line the advantages of specialists. Staff is basically advisory in nature and usually does not possess any command authority over line managers.

Explain the relationship between staff and line authority?

what is the relationship between staff and line authority?

What are the line and staff relations in an organization?

Line and staff relations in an organization refers to the operations. The line relations are the direct production of the primary product or service. Staff relations are support employees.