Yes, these numbers can: 1 239 4,649 and 1,111,111.
1 is the smallest number that divides any positive integer evenly.
A factor divides evenly into a given number.
Do the division, and see if there is a remainder.
The smallest prime number that divides 98 evenly is 2.
Yes, these numbers can: 1 239 4,649 and 1,111,111.
A factor divides evenly into a given number.
A number that divides evenly into another number is called a factor.
1 is the smallest number that divides any positive integer evenly.
A factor divides evenly into a given number.
A number that divides into a whole number evenly is called a "factor" of that number.
1111111 = 1,111,111
.1111111 as a fraction is 1111111/10000000.
Do the division, and see if there is a remainder.
The smallest prime number that divides 98 evenly is 2.
The smallest prime number that divides 147 evenly is three (3).
wht divides evenly into 75