742/105 = 7 remainder 7 1162/105 = 11 remainder 7
Divisibility is when a number divides into another number with no remainder.
It's a factor of the whole number that it divides into with no remainder.
742/105 = 7 remainder 7 1162/105 = 11 remainder 7
7 divides evenly into 140 with no remainder.
Yes, because 7 divides evenly into 168 with no remainder.
Yes, because 7 divides evenly into 63 with no remainder.
Yes, because 7 divides evenly into 42 with no remainder.
Divisibility is when a number divides into another number with no remainder.
Divisibility is when a number divides into another number with no remainder.
Divisibility is when a number divides into another number with no remainder.
It's a factor of the whole number that it divides into with no remainder.
Do the division, and see if there is a remainder.