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And how does this relate to coins?

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Q: What do a and b and c and d represent if a plus a and b plus a and b and c plus a and b and c and d equals 2006?
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What does b represent in the formula y equals mx plus b?

The Y-Axis intercept, i.e. when X is zero, Y is b.

What is the area of a right triangle when A equals 5 and B equals x plus 5?

It depends on which sides A and B represent: the two legs, or one leg and the hypotenuse.

If a plus b equals c and b plus c equals d and c plus d equals e and a equals 7 and e equals 5 what is a plus b plus c plus d plus e equal?

the answer is a

What is b plus b plus b plus b equals?


CAN 0 plus equals B plus equals B?

Yes because if 1+0=1 than 0 plus b equals b

If a plus b equals 40 b plus c equals 34 and a plus c equals 42 what does b equal?

a=24 b=16 c=18

What does a plus b equals?

Impossible to determine without knowing what A and B actually represent. In terms of equality, all that can be said with any certainty is that A+B=B+A

If a plus b plus c not equal to 0 then a divided by b plus c equals b divided by c plus a equals c divided by a plus b prove that a equals b equals c?

Because there is no way to define the divisors, the equations cannot be evaluated.

ABC plus ABC equals CDD then what does ABC equals in numbers?

Assuming A, B, C and D all represent different digits then ABC = 183 .

If a plus a equals b and b plus c equals a and a-c equals b what is c?

a= (+a) or a= (-) b= 2a b= 2a c= (-a) c= (+a)

In the eqaution for a straight line y equals mx plus b what does the variable b represent?

b is the variable for the y-intercept, or how far up or down the graph is shifted.

If a plus b equals c then c - b equals?
