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In mathematics, such expressions indicate that the value of the expression to the left of the equal sign has the same value as the expression to the right of the equal sign. In some cases, it can also be interpreted to mean that the expression on one side of the equal sign can be used in place of the expression on the other side of the equal sign (say in manipulating algebraic expressions).

In computer languages, the equal sign is sometimes also used to indicate that the value of the expression to the right of the equal sign is to be transferred to the location indicated by the expression to the left of the equal sign. The expression to the left of the equal sign is usually a single variable that represents a memory location.

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Q: What do expressions which use numbers or other symbols and an equal sign mean?
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An expression is any combination of symbols that can be evaluated to a number (or perhaps to some other data type). An equation has an equal sign, and an expression on both sides of the equal sign - it is a claim that the two expressions are equal.

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You are probably referring to an "equal to" sign (=). This sign makes one side of the equation equal to the other.

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An equation.

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When two expressions are equal to each other they form an equation.

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A reciprocal (not reciprical) or multiplicative-inverse is THE relationship between two expressions factored from unity. The product of a reciprocal pair of expressions (quantities or numbers) is equal to 1. For example; 1/5 and 5 are reciprocals of each other, they multiply to equal 1. Zero (zed) does not have a reciprocal.

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An equation consists of two expressions that equal each other.

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Two expressions that equal each other is an equation

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How many sides of each triangle and how many angles of each triangle do you have ? If you have two sides and the angle between them, or two angles and the side between them, equal to the same parts of the other triangle, then your triangles are congruent. You don't even have to know what the actual numbers are. If the expressions are equal, then the sides or angles are equal.

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an equation

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An equation