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Characteristics of a Fighter PlaneToday, a fighter plane is usually a jet aircraft. The characteristics of a fighter jet were established back in World War 2, when Britain and Germany made the first jets. One characteristic of the fighter jet was that their wings are swept back. Older airplanes had straight wings, even though they might get smaller further out at the tip.

The swept-back wings reduced the drag caused by the voritces at the wing tips. This allowed the jets to fly faster.

Most fighter jets have their jet engines mounted inside the fuselage; as opposed to mounted under the wings. The first German fighter jet had wing-mounted engines. Very few fighter jets continued with this design.

Most fighter jets have a pilot (or 2 pilots) sitting in a cockpit mounted on top of the fuselage. This provides better visibility so the pilots can watch for enemy aircraft during combat. Bombers will have the cockpit buried down in the fuselage(one exception is the B-47 bomber that had a cockpit like a fighter jet).

How to spot a Fighter Plane?Modern jet aircraft have changed dramatically. So this question is difficult to answer. Some fighter jets server in many different roles: fighter, reconnisance, bomber. Some fighter jets have 2-crewmen and 2 engines and are quite large where others are a single pilot and very small. The most recent ones have stealth technology that gives their wings and fuselage very unique shapes.
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Q: What do fighter planes look like?
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What do 3 planes that intersect in one line look like?

Two planes intersecting could look like an X and then a third one could go right down the middle.

What were the zeroes?

Japanese fighter planes. Also a slang term for "officers". Desiree--The Zeroes were Japanese fighter planes. Our US P47s--P52s and P38s engaged them in dog fights during the war in the Pacific. While I was involved in the Battle for Okinawa I witnessed many of these dog fights in the sky over the Island. Also when our U.S. fighter planes returned from escorting our U.S. Bombers over Japan anytime one of our fighter planes was credited with a Zero kill they were allowed to put their fighter plane through aerobatics over the Island before landing. This was really something to witness. == I think the first answer is accurate. There was one Japanese fighter aircraft that was designated the Zero; the MITSUBISHI A6M2. The Zero got its name from its official designation, Navy Type Zero Carrier-Based Fighter (or Reisen), though the Allies code-named it "Zeke." However, the term was used generally to describe any Japanese fighter plane as many of their aircraft looked very similiar. (I'm not sure about the officer part of the answer.) == The zero (Zero) was one of the most successful fighter pilots of the Japanese Navy in the first half of the war. They seriously outmaneuvered every other aircraft at the time. Only at the end of 1942 and from 1943 that the US managed to counter the Zero with F4U Corsairs, F6F Hellcats, etc.

Do planes stop in the air?

Some planes do like a harier it could stop in the air

What is an dihedral on an airplane?

Dihedral is the angle that the wing diverges from horizontal. Most planes have a positive dihedral, meaning the wings angle up slightly. This gives the plane stability in flight. Acrobatic and fighter planes tend to have a negative dihedral (wings droop) which allows them to manoeuver quickly.

Can two lines that coincide lie in at least one plane?

Two lines that coincide look and act exactly like a single line. If you have one straight line, there are an infinite number of planes in which it lies.

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Would the sentence i am obsessed with fighter planes be correct?

Only if you are obsessed with fighter planes.

What were Britains defenses in the blitz?

Radar, fighter planes (Spitfire and Hurricane), long range (for a fighter) from France to London, barrage balloons, antiaircraft guns, civilians looking for planes with binoculars and calling in if they were spotted, searchlights that were used at night to look for planes.

What is a A6M?

The A6M is one of the many types of Japanese fighter planes The A6M is one of the many types of Japanese fighter planes

Why Indian Air force is not giving fighter planes to women?

Because fighter planes are too expensive to just give away. Especially to women. They would be putting on makeup or talking on the phone and crash them. Just like cars.

What did a fighter plane mean in World War 2?

A fighter plane in world war 2 is much like what a modern fighter plane is today. These planes are aircraft designed with the intention of shooting down other planes. Planes like the American P-51 Mustang, German ME-109 and Japanese Zero were designed to be as fast and maneuverable as possible while having offensive weapons like machine guns and armor to protect the pilot. They would fly missions to take control of the sky by shooting down the enemies planes.

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What are fighter planes?

they are planes that go above in the sky during war and drop bomb.....

What president fighter planes in world war 2?

I'm pretty sure it was George Bush Sr. You can look him up if you want.

What country did fighter planes come from?

Many countries in the world have fighter planes. The very first ones came from Britain, Germany and France around 1915.

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they look like this, with their gills sort of sticking out.

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I would say at this time, the US has the most fighter planes.

How many fighter planes did the Luftwaffe have?

At the height of wartime production the Luftwaffe had about 2,700 fighter aircraft.