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Q: What do integers and natural numbers have in common?
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What do 63360 76125 and 2001 have in common?

They are positive integers or natural numbers.

Are natural numbers integers?

No. The set of integer includes negative integers which are not natural numbers..

Are some natural numbers are integers?

ALL natural numbers are integers.

How are the integers and natural numbers different?

Natural numbers do not include negatives. Integers do.

Is an integer a natural number?

All natural numbers are integers, not all integers are natural numbers.

Is positive integers belong to natural numbers?

Positive integers are (not is!) a proper subset of natural numbers. The natural numbers comprise positive integers and zero.

Can natural numbers be integers?

That's so easy that ALL of the natural numbers are integers.

What are all of the natural numbers that are not integers?

Null set. All natural numbers are integers.

How are integers and natural numbers different?

Integers are all positive and negative whole numbers, and natural numbers are all positve whole numbers including zero. So, natural numbers is a subset of integers.

Integers are not natural numbers?

No. The set of integer includes negative integers which are not natural numbers..

What set of integers list the natural numbers?

Traditionally, the set of integers that represents the natural numbers is {1,2,3,...}, which are the positive integers. Some people include the non-negative integers as the set of natural numbers, which is {0,1,2,3,...}, and includes 0.

What do natural and whole numbers have in common?

They both exclude fractions and irrational numbers. Natural numbers are a subset of whole numbers (also called integers); Natural numbers are any positive whole number (meaning any whole number 1 or greater). Whole numbers, also called integers, can be zero or negative.