You don't say
numbers in Italian are not masculine or feminine because they describe a noun. When used to say the date, the article is always il. For example, il 5 aprile.
Well, there is a clear definition, and at least in theory you can always determine whether a number is a primer number or not, so I would say, yes.
Complex numbers are a proper superset of real numbers. That is to say, real numbers are a proper subset of complex numbers.
"Noob" "freakin" say no to anything that requires them to click.
I dunno if that's just noobs, I say that. o_o It's not an internet thing, it's like saying "uh-huh" as a substitute for "yes".
There is a lot of language. In multiplayer people always swear cause they are noobs. And in single player they say F*ck and all that kind of stuff.
If your talking about "noobs" as in people new to the game, I would say either big team or social slayer. Or maybe even Rumble pits. Or do you mean "noobs" who want to rank up and make fun of people because they suck. The second kind of noobs, usually play anything hard (i.e SWAT, Snipers MLG)
I always say 'there's safety in numbers'.
You don't say
You say, HEY NOOB I OWN YOU! Then challenge them to a leveling-up contest and become higher level than them.
To say something in nicktropolis there is a thing called a chatbox if you could chat there but you can say bad stuff or numbers I always chat in nicktropolis like that Dragonxer
i have something to say ur all noobs lol lol lol so suck my duck and lick my d1ck
L2 means like learn2... say someone say l2playfootball there saying.. Learn to play football. Often used on noobs like in MMORPG's or any other game.
numbers in Italian are not masculine or feminine because they describe a noun. When used to say the date, the article is always il. For example, il 5 aprile.
IT all is based on opinoin. COD is for noobs and halo is a skillful game for casual and pro gamers alike.