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Q: Is it true if you add two square numbers together you always get an Evan number?
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Related questions

Why is the square of a number always a positive number?

The square of a number is always two numbers multiplied together. A positive times a positive is always positive, and a negative times a negative is always positive.

Is the LCM of 2 square numbers always another square number?


Does there exist an irrational number such that its square root is rational?

No, and I can prove it: -- The product of two rational numbers is always a rational number. -- If the two numbers happen to be the same number, then it's the square root of their product. -- Remember ... the product of two rational numbers is always a rational number. -- So the square of a rational number is always a rational number. -- So the square root of an irrational number can't be a rational number (because its square would be rational etc.).

Is a square of a number always bigger than the number?

all of the numbers, except the numbers 1 and below

Are square numbers always even?

No, but only in the case of the number 1 (12=1) are square numbers odd.

What are three square numbers added together which equal another square number?

can I have the awnser

What is the product of a counting number and itself?

That's the "square" of the number. With counting numbers, the square will always be another counting number.

Is the square root of any real number always a real number?

No, it is not, because real numbers include negative numbers. The square root of a negative number is an imaginary number

What does a square number mean in math?

Square numbers formed when two same numbers multiply together and the answer is the square number. For example: 6 x 6=36, 6 and 6 are the same number, therefore 36 is a square number.

Will the square of a numbers absolute value always equal the absolute value of the number's square?


Which prime numbers can be added together to equal a square number?

2 and 2

Can even square numbers mutiply into an odd number?

Even square numbers are even, by definition. Two even numbers multiplied together give an even number so no, they cannot multiply to give an odd number. You have to multiply an even number by an odd number to do this.