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Q: What do people depend on outside a seigneury?
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What is a Seigneury?

A seigneury was a system where small pieces of land along the St. Lawrence river were divided out among the farmers to settle. The Land lord (seigneur) was in charge of this matter. The land lord was given a house and some of the farmers profit by permission of the king . The people living on the seigneury were called habitants. The habitants had to farm and settle the land. Every so often they would have to give the land lord a payment. For example, the payment could be some wheat or a few chickens.

What is seigneury?

A seigneury was a system where small pieces of land along the St. Lawrence river were divided out among the farmers to settle. The Land lord (seigneur) was in charge of this matter. The land lord was given a house and some of the farmers profit by permission of the king . The people living on the seigneury were called habitants. The habitants had to farm and settle the land. Every so often they would have to give the land lord a payment. For example, the payment could be some wheat or a few chickens.

What were the three main roles of a seigneury?

The three main roles of a seigneury were to collect taxes and revenues from the tenants, maintain law and order within the territory, and provide protection for the residents in times of conflict or threat.

Who likes you at school?

i dont know about you but, if you aren't liked by many people, you can always depend on friendships outside of school.

What does an independent variable depend on in math?

It can depend on nothing or on an variable which is outside of the scope of the study.

What was the politics the seigneury system?

it was made up of a general govener, a lord or seigner and an intendant, louis the 14th was the king of france and had control of all the seigneury, the monople was mainly jean talon. at the timp politics were nobles and so they follwed the monarchie system of the nobles

How did a seigneury in winter?

In winter, a seigneury would likely experience colder temperatures, snowfall, and shorter days. This could impact agricultural activities, making it difficult to grow crops. Residents may also have to deal with challenges like frozen water sources and increased energy consumption for heating.

What were the main teaching of the transcendentalism?

Transcendentalists believe that people should depend on themselves and their own insights, rather than on outside authorities.

How do farmers rely on each other while living in the seigneury?

Farmers in a seigneury rely on each other through mutual assistance with tasks such as harvesting, plowing, and sharing tools or equipment. They may also collaborate on issues like irrigation, pest control, and land management. Additionally, farmers in a seigneury may come together to share resources, knowledge, and support during challenging times such as natural disasters or economic downturns.

Do cells without chloroplasts also depend on sunlight for their food?

Cells without chloroplasts, such as animal cells, do not rely on sunlight directly for food production because they cannot perform photosynthesis like cells with chloroplasts. Instead, these cells obtain their energy by breaking down molecules through processes like cellular respiration.

What was unique about the seigneury system?

well go look for it First of all it's called the seigneurial system, not the seigneury system. A seigneury is a lot of land, or manor that the Seigneur assigns to Habitants (colonists or settlers wanting to buy land). The seigneurial system allows all habitants to have access to a waterway. Another interesting fact, is the French, unlike the English, divided their lots among their children. For example, if a family were to have five sons, each son would receive 1/6 of the land.

Do you depend on people or depend upon people?

Both are correct.