They can both be converted into decimals and from there into fractions or percentages.
Because that it s harder to work out percentages than fractions and decimals
Fractions can be converted to decimals, percentages or mixed numbers.
Decimals and percentages are easier to compare than fractions - particularly if they are unlike fractions. That does not explain why percentages are required when we have decimal number and there is no good answer to that!
If we didn't have decimals, fractions and percentages math would be impossible. Try answering 1.7 - 0.6 without a decimal, and get the right answer. It has not made math easier or harder, it is an element we need.
They can both be converted into decimals and from there into fractions or percentages.
They are ways of calculating and comparing parts of wholes.
Because that it s harder to work out percentages than fractions and decimals
Fractions can be converted to decimals, percentages or mixed numbers.
Joe shmoe
fractions, decimals and percentages
There are infinitely many fractions so it is impossible to answer the question.
Decimals and percentages are easier to compare than fractions - particularly if they are unlike fractions. That does not explain why percentages are required when we have decimal number and there is no good answer to that!
If we didn't have decimals, fractions and percentages math would be impossible. Try answering 1.7 - 0.6 without a decimal, and get the right answer. It has not made math easier or harder, it is an element we need.
convert them to decimals or percentages first to figure out the order then write the answers as fractions
In order to convert decimals into percentages In order to convert decimals into fractions To distinguish irrational numbers from rational numbers
Make them into decimals. Make them into decimals.