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Q: What do the numbers on the bottom of a soda can mean?
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In the lighthouse on the bottom floor by the stage there is a barrel of cream soda. Grab it then go to Jetpack guy on the beach. Talk to him then when your at the mixing spot, you will see a bottle labeled "HELP". Click on it and it will show you numbers. Mix the cream soda in the order of the numbers. Make sure to to click at the bottom of the list to scroll down.

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Styles, types and embossing

What has a bottom on top of it?

soda can

Does a cylinder have three faces?

No a cylinder only has 2 faces, the top circle and the bottom circle. If you are confused look at a soda can, the top of the soda can and the bottom of the soda can are your 2 faces.

Soda can parts?

A soda can consists of a cylinder, a top, a bottom, and a pop-top.

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Baking Soda has a higher desity.

What the numbers 9 10 8 mean at the bottom of the copyright page?

They indicate what printing the book is on.

What does it mean to multiply a fraction?

You are just multiPlying the top two number then the bottom two numbers

How many faces does a soda can have?

A soda can has 3 faces. The top, bottom, and the round side of the can are the 3 faces.

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In magic what do the numbers at bottom right of card mean?

In the bottom right there are numbers on creature cards X/Y. X= creature's attack power were y= creature's toughness.