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Q: What do the x-intercepts and maximum value of the graph represent What are the intervals where the function is increasing and decreasing and what do they represent about the sale and profit?
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A what uses bars to represent the frequency of data that have been organized in intervals?

If the intervals are of different width, then it is a histogram.

What is a Graph with bars that represent intervals of data?

a bar graph

Why do the bars touch in histograms?

The intervals that the bars represent are touching each other.

What bar graphs represent intervals of numbers?

Line Plot Follow me on tumblr @

What is meant by the term confidence intervals?

Confidence intervals represent a specific probability that the "true" mean of a data set falls within a given range. The given range is based off of the experimental mean.

What are intervals of pH?

Intervals of pH represent ranges of acidity or alkalinity. For example, pH 0-6 is acidic, pH 7 is neutral, and pH 8-14 is alkaline. These intervals help in categorizing substances based on their level of acidity or alkalinity.

What figure could represent the velocity versus time graph of a motorcycle whose speed is increasing?

A straight line with a positive slope could represent the velocity versus time graph of a motorcycle whose speed is increasing.

What does a steep line on a line graph represent?

It represents the fact that a small change in the variable which is plotted on the horizontal axis with the given scale, is associated with a large change in the variable potted on the vertical axis with its scale.Note that the steepness can be changed by simply increasing the scale factor on the horizontal axis or decreasing it on the vertical axis.

Do growth rate curves represent the growth rate of a population?

A growth curve is a model of how a quantity will vary with time. These graphs are widely used in science to illustrate the dynamics of quantities such as population size. Thus the answer is "Yes".

What is the difference between an ogive and a frequency polygon?

The ogive never close because they represent non-decreasing functions, and polygon you close it.

How do you use contour intervals?

Contour intervals are used to represent changes in elevation on a topographic map. The interval is the difference in elevation between adjacent contour lines. By looking at the contour lines, you can visualize the shape of the land, such as steep slopes, valleys, or hills.

What is the most controllable method of increasing the precision of or narrowing the confidence interval?

Confidence intervals represent an interval that is likely, at some confidence level, to contain the true population parameter of interest. Confidence interval is always qualified by a particular confidence level, expressed as a percentage. The end points of the confidence interval can also be referred to as confidence limits.