Obviously, you don't like math or spell checking(by the I'm sure you mean then, which should be than;thank me later).
The way you learn in 6th grade is this:
When your talking about age, older mean add and younger means subtract. Twice would mean double or times(multiplied by) two. Then there's than. That means you switch them. In this case you would "twice" the number THEN add 4.
For example, let's say your brother is four and you she is y years old. How old are you?
You would write it out as an equation.The first 4 representing her brothers age, the two "twice", the 4 for the "four years older", and for "her"
Multiple first. Remember PEMDAS(Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction)
If I she is 4 years older than twice her brother's age, 4, then she would be 12. or (as in your case) The term 4 years older than twice her brother's age means double then added 4, with the equation x(brother)2+4=Y
Put as a sentence
Someone is 15 years older than you.
Lets say something called A is 8 years old. Well, if B was "twice as old" B would be 16 years old
times two
Twice as much
multiply it by 2
That they were 2x older than you :P so if you were 12 years ol, they would be 24. 12 x 2 = 24. Twice as old as you!
Not usually, but it really depends on the older sibling's personality and age. Older brothers are typically more violent and uncompassionate, but sisters can be equally cruel.
If YOU have two brothers and one is older than YOU and one is younger than YOU then YOU are the middle of three brothers.
Here is the meaning of the words "noona" and the other similar words:unni = What girls say to older sisters or girls older than themselves.oppa = What girls say to older brothers or boys older than themselves.noona = What boys say to older sisters or girls older than themselveshyung = What boys say to older brothers or boys older than themselvesdongsaeng = younger siblings
Here is the meaning of the words "noona" and the other similar words:unni = What girls say to older sisters or girls older than themselves.oppa = What girls say to older brothers or boys older than themselves.noona = What boys say to older sisters or girls older than themselveshyung = What boys say to older brothers or boys older than themselvesdongsaeng = younger siblings
Someone is 15 years older than you.
Lets say something called A is 8 years old. Well, if B was "twice as old" B would be 16 years old
If you mean Mikey Way then yes, Gerard is Mikey's older brother.
I don't know excatly what you mean, if you mean by not safe chat then you need to be 13 or older.
"Bi-yearly" typically means occurring twice a year or every two years.
Little Brothers: Little brothers are not old enough to get that they are misbehaving- or if they are old enough, they are trying to get attention. Try to be nice to them and give them attention. Explain how they can be better. Older Brothers: Older brothers are more mature and probably know they are being mean. Sometimes it is to get attention, and sometimes they are in rotten moods. Be nice to them and explain how you feel about them.
Your older brother's told you that you're their sister's keeper. This means that they rely on you to look after yours and their sister.