thhe is a great web site just that they are not understanding my question i am typig it over and over and it still does not understand me.
24 is. (5/5 is the same thing as ' 1 '.)
No. 0.5 is 5 tenths. A tenth is not the same as ten
3/5 = 0.6
We don't call it "point two," we call it by it's fraction name, 2/10 (two tenths). This is a fraction that can be simplified since both 2 and 10 are divisible by 2. So, .2 is the same thing as 1/5.
Words that mean the same thing are called synonyms.
I was wondering the same thing
A female. Same thing.
They are called synonyms.
Yes they are the same thing. Europeans call them boots and Americans call them cleats.
-(-5) is the same thing as -1(-5). -1 x -5 = 5
24 is. (5/5 is the same thing as ' 1 '.)
Same thing - they just spell it as plow
A hypocrite.
no but theres assassin who does the same thing
it is the same story .. but different graphics and the Wii's COD5 dosent have the Nazi zombie thing or any of the Xbox's features of COD 5