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Q: What do you call terms in math that almost mean the same thing?
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What do you call someone who is good with numbers?

A mathematician. Or in friendly, informal terms: a math whiz.

What is the thing about math teachers that says never say die?

Old math teachers never die they just reduce to lowest terms

What do decimals help you with in math?

It helps you with money because Decimals and money are almost the same thing.

What is does independent variable mean in math terms?

The independent variable is the thing that stays the same throughout the problem.

What does 'pi' mean in math terms?

In math terms, pi, means 3.14, which is a everlasting decimal, that is just rounded to make your math easier. So pi, means 3.14 in math terms.

Are congruent segments are the same as equal segment?

yes they are... congruency means the same thing as equality in math terms.

What does principal mean in math terms?

principal(in terms of math)- the amount you borrow or deposit

What word do you call a method of estimating or thing that shares the same qualities in math that starts with a c?


What are quardants in math terms?

There is no such thing or things as quardants in math terms. A quadrant, on the other hand, is either each of the four quarters of the Cartesian plane that is formed by the axes, or the four sectors of a circle formed by any two mutually perpendicular diagonals.

Evaluate 9 to the second power?

evaluate means the same thing as solve in most math terms so9^2= 81

What is a comparison in math terms?

A comparison in math terms is when you see if two problems are equal to each other.

Is math in every thing?

yes math is in every thing