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Q: What do you call Someone who is in their hundreds?
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If I call someone what am I called?

If you call someone, you are the "caller".

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Such a volcano is dormant.

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Hen hoarder

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You call someone from Omaha an Omahan or for many, call them Omahans

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what do you call someone who looks into the furture

If someone in Houston wanted to call and say hi to someone in Madagascar what time should they call?

if someone were to call you they woulded call you while you are sleeping so i think they should call in the mouring

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What do you do if your phone only goes on loud when you call someone?

Don't call someone

What does mean can a hot bath really call someone?

No it can't call someone

When was Someone to Call My Lover created?

Someone to Call My Lover was created in 2000.

Can a hot bath really call someone what does this mean?

No it can't call someone

What do you call someone from Timbuktu?

You can call someone from Timbuktu a Timbuktian (Tim- Buck- Tee- An).