you usually just call it a side.
you call it a edge
= centenarian =
The answer is Tetradeecagon.
Parallel lines
cheek, profile
Optimist. They practice optimism.
Small fry
Well, different people call them different things. Some people call them Aqua Jumps, and some people call them Blobs!
call the dealer and have someone wish you some luck
If you call someone, you are the "caller".
you usually just call it a side.
This is normally called a profile or profile view.
You call someone from Omaha an Omahan or for many, call them Omahans
what do you call someone who looks into the furture
if someone were to call you they woulded call you while you are sleeping so i think they should call in the mouring
Maybe you mean "who is someone who is always happy and looks on the bright side?" In that case you call them Optimists.Optimistic- When someone is always happy, looks on the bright side, and makes sure everyone around them is cheery, and happy.