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If you mean what do you call a number with only 1 and itself as factors, then it is a Prime number.

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Q: What do you call a number when it only has 1 factor?
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What do you call a number with only 1 prime factor?

a prime number

What do you call the factor if it has 1 number?

I call it 1.

Which numbers have only 1 as their factor?

The only number with one factor is 1.

Why did mathematics decide to not call 1 a prime number?

Because a prime number has two factors whereas 1 has only one factor which is itself

What is the only number that is a factor of every number?

One is the only number that is a factor of every other number.

What do you call a number with 1 factor a prime or composite?

All numbers, (except 1) have at least two factors: 1 and the number itself. So, there are no numbers, besides 1, with only 1 factor. And 1 is neither prime nor composite.

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What is the number that has only on factor?

1 has one factor.

How old is someone with the 1 factor and is not a prime number?

The only number with one factor is 1.

What number has only one prime factor?

No prime number only has one factor. Each prime number has itself and 1 as factors. Now, the number 1 of course has only one factor, but it is technically not a prime number.

What number has only 1 factor and it's not a prime number?

1 because only 1 can go into it

Which number has the lowest factor 1-25?

It is 1 because it only has itself as a factor.