A divisor.
The least common divisor is always the number "1."
1 is a factor of any number.
1 and 19. It is a prime number.
The accepted definition of a prime number is a natural number which has exactly two distinct divisors. The number 1 has only one distinct divisor: itself. The number 0 can be said to have infinitely many distinct divisors.
A divisor.
1 is a divisor of every number.
A factor or a divisor.
1, with 1 as the odd divisor.
A factor or a divisor.
The least common divisor is always the number "1."
1 has only one divisor. It's divisor is the number one.
1 is a factor of any number.
A prime number is a number with exactly 2 divisors: 1 and itself. Because of this, the only common divisor of two distinct prime numbers is 1, thus 1 is the gcf. So the correct answer would be: Given two prime numbers, namely x and y, the gcf is --- 1, if x and y are unequally --- x, if x=y.
a divisor of a number
1 and 19. It is a prime number.
Least number with exactly n even divisors 1 -> 0 divisor 2 -> 1 divisor 4 -> 2 divisors = 22 8 -> 3 divisors = 23 12 -> 4 divisors = 22x3 32 -> 5 divisors = 24