

What do you call a numbered cube?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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14y ago

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A die (if someone says "dice", that is the plural).

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Q: What do you call a numbered cube?
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Related questions

What is a numbered cube called?

numbered cube = Dice

What is the probability of rolling a 3 on one numbered cube and a 4 on the other numbered cube?

1/6 x 1/6 = 1/36

If you tossed a number cube What is the probability you would toss an 8?

If the "number cube" you are referring to is what we normally call a die (one of a pair of dice), the chances of tossing an 8 are nothing since the cube has only 6 sides and is numbered 1 to 6. If a "number cube" is something else, perhaps someone else can answer the question.

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Why islam call the cube at mecca thus when it is not a cube?

They do not call it the cube. The arabic name is al Kabba (or al Qabba) which got garbled to cube in transliteration.

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What is the probability of rolling a multiple of 4 on a fair-sided number cube?

That's going to depend on how many numbered sides the "cube" has, and howthey're numbered.If it's literally a six-sided cube, with the faces numbered 1 through 6, then the onlymultiple of 4 anywhere on it is 4, and the probability of rolling the 4 is1/6 or (16 and 2/3) percent.

A number cube has 6 sides numbered 1 through 6.How would you describe the probability that you will toss a 7 if you toss the number cube?

The probability is zero. That means that it can't happen, because there's no '7' anywhere on the cube.

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