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Q: What do you call a person who shows no interest in people and things?
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A person who shows people to their seats in a theatre is called an usher.

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A person who shows animals to people and educates them about the animals is typically called a zookeeper, wildlife educator, or animal handler.

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Interest in suspense appears on a balance sheet. It shows that a company has money due to receiving a loan. But the person who borrowed the loan has not paid any money towards it.

When a guy shows interest in a girl then ignores her has he changed his mind about pursuing her?

it seems like you (or the person) he showed interest in wasnt showing they were as intersted as he was so he decided to let it go

How do you get an old boyfriend back when you broke his heart 2years ago?

See if he will get together with you and you can talk with him and see how things go. If he shows no interest speaking with then it is best to just let things be and move on. You have to realize it has been two years and people change and move on and chances are he has.

Can you change someone's behavior through kindness or understanding?

I think the answer is yes, because people responds when a person shows sincere interest in them and their well being. And furthermore, sincere love has a way removing barriers of resistance.

Why do i need reassurance and ask questions?

It is normal for the human mind to question 'what', 'why', and 'how'. It shows the person has an interest in their surroundings. It also helps to strengthen relationships and friendships when you ask genuine questions - people feel worthwhile when someone shows and interest in them. It also helps create a better relationship between you and them because it creates familiarity, and as humans are creatures of habit, we feel more reassured with something familiar.

Why do peoples flirt?

Flirting is way for people to get noticed. If they like a guy they will flirt with him until he shows interest in them.

What do you do when you like someone a lot but they show no interest and even seem to avoid you?

Move on! This person is avoiding you, and shows not interest. Don't dwell on this. If the person is ignoring you, then they obvoiusly dont care about you enough, and they arent right for you. Choose some one that really cares for you.