Fifty is L is roman. So whatever the one hundred is in roman will make it _L.
One hundred and three in roman numerals is: CIII
A number with one hundred zero
One thousand nine hundred seven hundred six
One hundred thousand can be represented by the Roman numeral (C)
A centurion
A centurion
A Centurion -- Cent being the latin prefix for 100.Well, generally, a century was made up of only 80 men, so there was no commander of a hundred men.A Centurian
Fifty is L is roman. So whatever the one hundred is in roman will make it _L.
One hundred. One hundred. Ten. One hundred. One. One. Taken all together, "CCXCII" is nonsense.
Centurion comes from the Latin word "centurio," which means "commander of one hundred soldiers." The root "cent" in centurion refers to the number 100, reflecting the leadership role of overseeing a hundred soldiers in ancient Roman armies.
One hundred and three in roman numerals is: CIII
A number with one hundred zero
One thousand nine hundred seven hundred six
One hundred thousand can be represented by the Roman numeral (C)
C - Centum - one hundred .
I to CC