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Q: What do you call a shape with 3 or more sides?
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What do you call a shape with five or more sides?

A shape with straight sides is called a polygon. But it can have 3 or 4 sides as well.

What shape has 3 sides what is it call?

A shape with three sides is a triangle.

What do you call a shape with 3 sides?

a triangle

Which has more vertices a shape with 4 sides or a shape with 3 sides?

A shape with four sides has more vertices because there are more points where edges (straight lines) meet than a 3-sided shape.

What has more vertices a shape with 4 sides or a shape with 3 sides?

Shape has fewer than 6 sides

Which has more vertices a shape with 4sides or a shape with 3 sides?

A shape with four sides has four vertices and a shape with three sides has three vertices, so a shape with four sides has more vertices than a shape with three sides.

Which has more verticles a shape with 4 sides or a shape with 3 sides?

A 4 sided shape has 4 vertices whereas a 3 sided shape has 3 vertices.

Which has more vertices a shapr with 4 sides or a shape with 3 sides?

A 4 sided shape which is a quadrilateral has more vertices than a 3 sided shape which is a triangle

Which shape has 3 more sides than a triangle?

A triangle has three sides, so a hexagon (a shape with six sides) would have three more sides than a triangle.

What do you call a closed shapes with 3 or more sides?

It is a polygon that has 3 or more sides

What is a two dimensional shape with 3 or more sides?

If they are straight sides and the shape encloses a space then it is a polygon.

What is pologon?

A polygon is a shape with 3 or more sides, no openings, and no curved sides.