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Q: What do you call a weighted dice?
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Related questions

Where to buy weighted loaded dice?

go to any newsagentcy

What do you call one dice?

you call one dice a die. I'm not sure how its spelled but that's how you pronounce the word. ----

What loaded gaming devices were found in the ruins of pompeii?

The loaded gaming devices that were found in the Ruins of Pompeii were dice. They were weighted to fix the result.

What do you call a nine sided dice?


What do you call two ones in dice?

snake eyes

How can I create my own DIY dice for tabletop gaming?

To create your own DIY dice for tabletop gaming, you can use materials like polymer clay, resin, or wooden blocks. Shape the material into a cube and mark the numbers on each side using a sharp tool or paint. Make sure the dice are evenly weighted for fair gameplay.

What does it mean that the probability of rolling the number four with two fare dice?

Fair dice are dice that are not weighted on one side to make a particular number more probable than the others. The probablity of a four on one dice is 1/6. The probability of a four showing on either or both of two dice is 1/6 + 1/6 = 1/3 (Note this is different from rolling a total score of four with two dice which can be achieved with 1+3, 3+1 or 2+2 which is 3 out of 36 combinations or 3/36)

What do you call a numbered cube?

A die (if someone says "dice", that is the plural).

How do you call a male person from Venezuela in spanish?

Se le dice: venezolano.

5421 is example for weighted or non weighted code?


What is the nickname of Red Sox pitcher Matsuzaka?

I see they call him "monster" or "dice-k"

What is the homophone of weighted?

The homophone of weighted is waited.