equivalent fractions
They are called regular polygons
a square
It is an isosceles triangle that has two equal sides
Something that has sentimental value to you is called 'junk' by everyone else.
equivalent fractions
The value of a call option on maturity is equal to its intrinsic value.For instance, a call option with a strike price of $10 on maturity and its underlying stock being at $15 will have a value of $5, which is its intrinsic value.
A person who analyzes the value of something is called an appraiser.
That is called Absolute Value
Call me crazy, but somehow I can't shake the feeling that there was some kind of a sketch or a drawing near this question wherever you copied it from, and that there was something in the sketch labeled 'x' and another something in it labeled 'a'. There's no way I can do anything with the question if I can't see the sketch that goes with it ... that's why it's printed there.
It involves the sales representative giving the buyer something of value at the beginning of a call
Illicit Trade
By default, a copy of the argument's value is passed into the parameter variable. This is "call by value" semantics, and the called function can do whatever it wants with the parameter, but it cannot alter the original copy. Sometimes, in C and C++, you can pass the address of the value instead. This is "call by address" semantics, but the called function must be designed to handle it - in this case, the called function can alter the original value. (Actually, it is always "call by value" - what we call "call by address" is simply passing the value of the address, a subtle distinction which is important to understanding the language.)
Fair Trade is called Fair Trade because we give something of ours and they give something of thiers which is trade and the trade is fair so we call it fair trade. so we are trading fairly
How do you introduce a product in a* tv program? Usually a presentation has an attention getter, a demonstration of value, and a call to action. Attention getter: Something that pops, it attracts the consumer's attention and should demonstrate a value of the product. Demonstration of value: Why the product is important, what need it fulfills, and why the viewer should care. Call to action: Something to make the viewer actually buy the product. Example: "Call now and we will throw in a second XYZ for no additional charge. Inventory is limited so call now!"
You call it its value.