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Q: What is meant by bunding or bunds on hill slopes?
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What is a high uplifted area with steep slopes that are higher than a hill?


Example of slope?

A hill, or a contor map both involve lots of slopes. So do ski resorts.

How do you convert a percent into a degree For example a percent circle into a degree circle.?

First you convert the number into a decimal.Then you multiply it by 360.Let's say you want 2% of a circle. That means you want 2% of 360 degrees. 2% is .02. 360 * .02 = 7.2. So 2% of a circle is 7.2 degrees.You can also set it up as a ratio.x/360 = 2/100 is a way of saying (what) out of 360 degrees equals 2 out of 100? The way you solve this is to cross-multiply. Take the top of one and multiply by the bottom of the other and vice-versa.x * 100 = 2 * 360100x = 720x = 720/100x=7.2Same answer, different method. :)Do you mean percent as in percent slope or grade like on a hill? Say you are climbing a hill with 10% grade, that means a vertical height of 1 unit for every 10 units horizontal distance. For small slopes, less than ten percent , you divide percent by 100 to get slope and multiply by 180/pi to get degreesFor example if hill is 5% slope that is 5/100 x (180/3.14) = 2.87 degreesFor bigger slopes you need to use trigonometry - find angle whose tangent is equal to the slopeFor example if hill is 100% slope that is 100/100 = 1 and angle whose tangent is 1 = 45 degrees

What are units for slope?

Mathematically, there is no unit for slope. If you are taking something like a rise of 40cm over a run of 10cm, the cm cancel out and the slope is simply 4 Once you get off the math homework paper, however, slopes are often given as over a certain distance. If dealing with a hill on a road, you might be given a slope of "18 inches per 100 feet traveled" or something along those lines. ■

What does it mean for a line to have a negative slope?

If a line has a negative slope it is going 'down hill' and if it has a positive slope it is going 'up hill'

Related questions

How can ring bunds help on flood control?

Ring bunds can help in flood control along the hill slopes and filed boundaries as they reduce the soil erosion.

How can ring bunds help in controlling flood on hill slope?

boundries are filled so they reduce soil erosion

How can you use the word slopes in a sentence?

The hill slopes steeply away from the road in this area. Let's hit the slopes! (Let's go skiing!)

What are slopes?

A slope is a inclined area like a hill, used for skiing.

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What is the land between two hill slopes called?

That is called a valley

What is a high uplifted area with steep slopes that are higher than a hill?


When was the Battle of Bunker Hill fought?

Bunker Hill was a battle of the American Revolutionary War that took place on June 17, 1775 during the Siege of Boston on the slopes of Bunker Hill.

Example of slope?

A hill, or a contor map both involve lots of slopes. So do ski resorts.

Why soil on top of hills shallow on the lower slopes soil is deeper?

Soil on top of hills tends to be shallower because it is more exposed to erosion from wind and water, leading to loss of topsoil over time. On the lower slopes, the accumulation of eroded soil from higher up the hill can lead to deeper soil layers. Additionally, lower slopes may receive more organic matter and nutrients from the runoff of water, leading to richer soil.

Where can one find Box Hill located?

Box Hill is located in Surrey and is located about thirty kilometers southwest of London. The hill gets its name from the ancient box woodland on the slopes overlooking the River Mole.

Where is the Chinese yam plant grown?

Native to China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, where it can be found growing wild on hill slopes and in valleys.