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Q: What do you call lines that join places of the same height?
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What are lines on a weather map than join places that have the same temp?

Isolines, specifically isotherms, are lines on a weather map that connect points of equal temperature. This helps to visualize temperature patterns and gradients across a geographic area.

Why can't contour lines cross merge or split?

Contour lines are imaginary lines that join points of equal height. Therefore, say, a 300 metre height contour line can never meet a 400 metre height one.

What does it mean when lines are close together on a topographic map?

If the lines are contours - it signifies that the land is steeper the closer the lines are drawn

Lines on a weather map that join places with the same air pressure are called?

Isobars. These lines connect points of equal atmospheric pressure and are used to show areas of high and low pressure on a weather map.

Why do you call railway stations as junctions in India?

Any place where two or more railway lines join is called a junction

How do contour lines show steep and gentle?

Contour lines are lines that join up points on a map that represent points on Earth's surface that have equal height. The distance between the contour lines gives an indication of how much the height changes over a horizontal distance. In other words it shows you how steep or gentle the slope is.As such a steep slope will be marked by closely spaced contour lines and a more gentle slope will have more widely spaced contour lines.

How do lines show steep and gentle slopes?

Contour lines are lines that join up points on a map that represent points on Earth's surface that have equal height. The distance between the contour lines gives an indication of how much the height changes over a horizontal distance. In other words it shows you how steep or gentle the slope is.As such a steep slope will be marked by closely spaced contour lines and a more gentle slope will have more widely spaced contour lines.

How is a contour line different from a contour interval?

A contour line represents a specific elevation on a map, connecting points of equal elevation. A contour interval is the difference in elevation between two adjacent contour lines on a map. In other words, the contour interval specifies the vertical distance between contour lines.