In Roman numerals, an "X" with a bar over it represents 10,000. The bar indicates that the value is being multiplied by a thousand.
____ CXXX each has a bar over the top to mean 'x1000'.
1,000,000 in Roman numerals is a C with a bar over it.
In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.
In Roman numerals, an "X" with a bar over it represents 10,000. The bar indicates that the value is being multiplied by a thousand.
____ CXXX each has a bar over the top to mean 'x1000'.
1,000,000 in Roman numerals is a C with a bar over it.
In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.In Roman numerals a bar written over a letter means multiply that number by one thousand.
Those Roman Numerals mean 1991.
it means 1,150 in roman numerals
988 = CMLXXXVIII in Roman numerals
Not a valid sequence for Roman numerals
(XV) or XV but with an horizontal bar above each numeral. Numerals in brackets or with an horizontal bar above them indicate multiplication by a thousand.