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Q: What do you call the letters that appear at the end of a number?
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What is the use of button in mobile keypad?

The buttons with numbers on them are used to enter numbers. The button marked "SEND" is used to send the number and begin a call. The button marked "END" is used to end a call. Depending on the model of mobile phone, the number buttons may also be used to enter letters, either for sending text messages or for attaching a name to a number stored in the phone's address book.

What do you call the letters usually found ta the end at the internet addresses of education related sites?


What do you call the letters usually found at the end of the Internet addresses of education related sites?

org or edu

What is the date of manufacture of a Colt Detective Special with serial number 7248RD?

Colt Detective Special serial numbers do not end in two letters. If you are positive the last two are "RD", you need to call Colt.

What are the objectives of Scrabble?

The objective of Scrabble is to have the highest number of points at the end of the game, when the extra letters run out, and one person doesn't have any letters in their 'hand.'

Suffixes means bearing or producing?

Suffixes are letters or groups of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning or form. They can indicate aspects such as tense, number, or gender.

How do you tell if a charge is a felony or mismeandor?

Depends on the state, but in Virginia there be either an "M" for misdemeanor or an "F" for felony on the left side of the warrant.Additional: In other states, much like the above example, the letters 'M' or 'F' would appear at the end of the court casefile number.

What are some words that end with the letters IT?

Some words that end with the letters IT are:acquitadmitadroitauditbaitbanditbenefitbitcircuitcockpitcommitcomplicitconceitconduitcounterfeitcreditculpritdebitdeceitdeficitdemeritdepositdigiteditelicitemitexhibitexitexplicitexploitfitflitforfeitfruitgaitgambitgrithabithermithitillicitimplicitinhabitinheritinhibitkitknitlimitlitmeritnitomitorbitparfaitpermitpitplaitportraitprofitprohibitpulpitpursuitquitrabbitrecruitremitsitskitslitsnitspiritspitsplitstraitsubmitsuitsummittacittidbittraitTransittransmittwitunitvisitvomitwaitwhitwitwritwhodunit...

How do you get on skatoony so I can get on it?

well at the end of a series it has phone number call it and they will ask you some questions then u willbe on