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Denominator and Numerator

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Q: What do you call the two parts of a fraction?
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Is one whole a fraction?

Not by itself. A fraction has two parts, a numerator and a denominator. 1/4 is a fraction.

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Out of three available parts, two are present.

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Two is a whole with no parts to it so it will be written like this: 2.

What are the 2 parts in a fraction?

2 parts in a fraction = numerator and denominator

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The shaded parts

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When the numerators are the same, the fraction with the higher denominator is less than the fraction with the lower denominator. The denominator indicates the size of the "parts" being shown as a fraction, and the higher the denominator, the smaller those parts are!

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The Senate and the Hous of Represenatives.

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Parts to a fraction?

There are three parts to a fraction, there is the numerator (the top number), the denominator (the bottom number) and the vinculum (the line in the middle which means 'divide by'-

What does a fraction mean?

Fraction Basically means dividing different shape(or other things) into parts, and then finding out the numerator, which tells you the fraction.

What are the characteristics of complex fractions?

They are the same as ordinary fraction except that there are two parts: a real part and an imaginary part.