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Q: What do you call two things that are exactly the same shape but different in size?
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It can be hard learning and memorizing all the name of the different polygons. A 25 sided shape is called icosikaipentagon.

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What are them things called that are in the water and people jump on 1 side and someone is on the other side being bounced into the water?

Well, different people call them different things. Some people call them Aqua Jumps, and some people call them Blobs!

What do you call triangles with the same shape but different size?

Two figures are called congruent if they are the same shape and the same size. Two figures are called similar if they are the same shape, but different sizes. ... That means that there is a scale factor number that you multiply each number in the first shape by to get the corresponding side length in the other shape.