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pushed out of shape

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Q: What shape would you call a rectangle pushed out of shape?
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What do you call a shape that has 4 sides?

A square a rectangle and a parallelagram or quadrilateral

Could you call a rhombus a square parallelogram?

No, rhombus refers to its shape, not the fact that is has four equal sides. You could call a rhombus an equilateral parallelogram by why would you want to? Also, would you then call a square a rhombic rectangle?

What is a shape with equal sides called?

rectangle, square, equilaterals, rhombus, kite, trapezium

What do you call a shape with 2 sets of parallel sides?

A Parallelogram (Examples: Rectangle, square,etc.)

What do you call a 3d shape with a square base and 2 rectangle sides and 2 triangle sides?


What do you call a 4 sideed shape?

A square, a quadrilateral, a parallelogram, a rectangle, a rhombus, all have four sides.

A shape with 1 rectangle and 2 circles?


What do you call a rectangle with 2 circles at each end?

I think you are referring to an Obround, which is a shape consisting of two semicircles connected by parallel lines tangent to their endpoints (or a rectangle with half a circle on each end)

How many names can you call a quadrilateral?

Any shape that has 4 sides is a quadrilateral and some examples are:- square, rectangle, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezoid and a kite

What do you call a rectangle with 1 side tilted?

parallel rectangle

What do you call a rectangle that is faced to the side?

A rectangle is a rectangle no matter which direction it "faces" (whatever that means).