The whole numbers are all numbers zero and up (including zero ).
Negative integers are whole numbers but not natural numbers. Mathematicians are undecided about zero. It is a whole number: some believe zero is a natural number, others do not.
numbers below zero are called negative numbers.
Whole Numbers are simply the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …(and so on)Counting Numbers are Whole Numbers, but without the zero. Because you can't "count" zero.
The whole numbers are all numbers zero and up (including zero ).
the collective term for a positive integers and zero is
Zero (0) is in the set of whole number. The only difference between the set of whole numbers and counting numbers is that the whole numbers contain zero. {0,1,2,3...}
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Natural numbers consist of the set of all whole numbers greater than zero.
When the whole numbers are negative.
Positive and negative whole numbers and zero are integers. Zero is neither negative or positive.
Whole numbers are the set of natural or counting numbers inclding zero
Negative integers are whole numbers but not natural numbers. Mathematicians are undecided about zero. It is a whole number: some believe zero is a natural number, others do not.