The least common factor is a term often mistakenly given to either the greatest common factor (GCF) or the least common multiple (LCM). This term is not often used because it does not describe a useful relationship between numbers. Since 1 evenly divides all integers, 1 is technically the least common factor for any set of integers.4 and 5 are relatively prime, which means that they share no factors aside from 1.The least common factor of any set of positive integers is 1.
No. The term prime number only applies to integers, such as 37 or 38. 37.5 is not an integer.
Yes, 0.123 is a rational number because it can be expressed in the form of p/q where p and q are integers and q is not equal to zero. 0.123 can be written as 123/1000(123 and 1000 are integers and the denominator is not equal to zero).
A prime number is a number that can only be equally divided by 2 integers 1 and itself
It looks to me as if that's true. I reasoned thusly, and scratched it outon the margin of my coffee-stained notepad:You gave me integers separated by 2, so the integers are [x] and [x+2].-- Their squares are [x2] and (x+2)2-- That's [x2] and [x2 + 4x + 4].-- The sum of their squares is [x2 + x2 + 4x + 4]= [ 2x2 + 4x + 4 ]-- Since [x] is an integer, each term in that trinomial is an integer.-- The coefficients are '2' and '4', so each term is an even number.-- So their sum is even.-- Q.E.D.
They are the set of Natural numbers.
Absolute value * * * * * Counting numbers.
Integer is a mathematical term to define the set of whole numbers both positive and negative
There's no collective term for a group of echidnas.
The sum of the first forty positive integers can be calculated using the formula for the sum of an arithmetic series, which is (n/2)(first term + last term) where n is the number of terms. In this case, the sum is (40/2)(1 + 40) = 820.
It means they have no common factors. This term is really only useful for integers, preferably positive integers.
all number can be negative or positive. :) The term "whole numbers" is ambiguous; sometimes it is used for integers, sometimes only for non-negative integers. It is better to use the more precise terms "integers", "positive integers", "non-negative integers", depending on what you want to say. it is also false if your looking for this answer caue it could be like 0.3,0.5 there not whole numbers
A non-positive integer is any integer that is less than or equal to zero. This includes all negative integers (such as -1, -2, -3, etc.) as well as zero itself. In mathematical notation, non-positive integers are represented as { ..., -3, -2, -1, 0 }.
Unfortunately, the term "whole numbers" is somewhat ambiguous - it means different things to different people. If you mean "integers", yes, it is closed. If you mean "positive integers" or "non-negative integers", no, it isn't.
Forests, is the collective term for groups of treed vegetation.
Natural numbers are the same as counting numbers, but the term positive numbers means something else. Natural or counting numbers are positive integers, but the category of positive numbers includes both integers and fractions, as long as they are greater than zero.
Yes. Whole numbers, or integers, include both positive and negative numbers; any number that has no decimals or fractional part. Actually, the term "whole number" is used in different ways by different people; some use it only for positive (or non-negative) integers; so it is probably safer to use the term "integer" or "positive integer", to clarify your intended meaning, and avoid the term "whole number" entirely.