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Q: What do you consider to be your most important achievements of past year?
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What if your most important achievements of the past year?

your most important achievements of the past year?

What do you consider to be your most important achievements in the past year?

If this is asked as an interview question, you can list some contributions you made to your team. You could also list some personal achievements or goals you had like learning Spanish.

What do you consider to be your most important achievements of the past 6 months?

In past 6 month I already improved in Banqueting area to make a good Quality of food, presentation & new set up of Buffet.

What do you consider your most important achievements over the past year as a lab technician?

Over the past year, my most important achievements as a lab technician include developing a new testing procedure that increased efficiency by 20%, training new staff members on specialized equipment, and implementing an improved inventory management system that reduced waste and costs in the lab.

What do you consider to be your most important achievements of the past years?

I considered my previous job as one of my achievement for last five years, because I practiced my profession as graduate of Civil Engineering and proved my self that I can exposed on that kind of job

What do you consider to be the most important achievements of the past year?

I considered my previous job as one of my achievement for last five years, because I practiced my profession as graduate of Civil Engineering and proved my self that I can exposed on that kind of job

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To Lemon Brown, the most important treasures are the things that hold sentimental value, such as his old harmonica and newspaper clippings of his past achievements. These items remind him of his past and give him a sense of pride and worth.

What is your past achievement?

Many adult's past achievements include graduating from college or high school. Other past achievements include getting a first real job.

Mention the most important achievements of the past year?

It has been reported that as of April 2014 the polio disease that had infected much of India has been almost entirely eradicated. Over the past year many states, including California, Oregon, and Hawaii, have legalized gay marriage. 2013 also introduced the world to wearable technology, such as watches and glasses.

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One of the most exciting achievements in developmental psychology in the past century was the recognition of the importance of early childhood experiences on long-term development. This has led to a deeper understanding of how factors like attachment, parenting styles, and early intervention can shape a child's trajectory.

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