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(320 miles) / (11.5 gallons) = 27.826 mpg (rounded)

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Q: What do you get to the gallon if you drive 320 miles and only use 11.5 gallons?
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How many gallons of gas do you need if you have to drive 679 miles if the car holds 21 gallons of gas?

We cannot answer this because.... you forgot to include the miles per gallon figure ! A car that only has a 15-gallon fuel tank could drive just as far as the one in your example - if it did more miles to the gallon !

How many gallons of gas would be needed to drive 25 miles if a car only gets 7 miles to a gallon?

25/7 = 3.571 gallons (rounded)

How much will gas cost to drive 70 miles if you get 19 miles to the gallon?

(70 miles/trip) divided by (1 gallon/19 miles) = (70/19) (miles-gallon/trip-miles) = 3.684 gallons per trip. Now, if we only knew how much you pay for a gallon of gas, we could tell you how much the trip will cost.

How many gallons of gasoline does one car use in a day?

Depends on how far you drive. If your car goes 40 miles for every gallon, and you only drive 20 miles a day, you only use 1/2 gal of gas per day.

How is miles per gallon calculated?

The number of miles driven divided by the amount of gallons to drive that distance. If you drove 330 miles and it took 10 gallons to refill the tank, then you got 33 miles per gallon. You are only able to compute this if you start with a full tank and then refill the tank back to full after you drove a certain distance or start with a specific amount of gas and drive till you run out of gas.

How many miles are in a gallon-?

You cannot convert measurements to weights or weights to measurements

How many Gallons can you get from a gallon of water?

If you have a gallon, you only can have one gallon.

How many miles per gallon on a 14.3 gallon tank?

That's the wrong question. Tank size does not determine fuel consumption. The only way to ACCURATELY determine fuel consumption is to fill the tank, drive as far as you dare on that tank of fuel, fill the tank again then calculate the mileage by the following:Divide total miles driven on that tank of fuel by the number of gallons used.M/G=MPGWhere:M=miles driven on that tank of fuelG=number of gallons required to REFILL the tank after driving those milesMPG=miles per gallon

How much gas should it take to drive a 100 miles if you get 15 miles per gallon?

6.7 gallons if you only go by math. But take into account stopping, and other things. You should be okay with 8 gallons, I would go minimum 10 just to be safe; you never know what might happen.

How many gallons of gas does it take to drive 54 miles?

That depends entirely - on how many miles per gallon (mpg) you get from the vehicle ! For example - a car that gives 60 mpg would use less than a car that only gives 40 mpg !

How many gallons of petrol will you use if you travel 82 miles?

This depends entirely on how many miles per gallon (MPG) your car gets. A car that does 82 MPG, will use only 1 gallon. A car that does 41 MPG, will use 2 a gallons. A car that does 20 MPG will use 4 gallons. Divide the number of miles, by the known MPG of the vehicle.

How much would gas cost per month if it cost 3.50 a gallon and you travel 75 miles a week?

The only way to answer this question is to know how many miles per gallon you get. Assume you have a vehicle that gets 25 miles per gallon, here the calculations:75 miles per week / 25 miles per gallon = 3 gallons per week4 weeks per month * 3 gallons per week = 12 gallons per month12 gallons per month * $3.50 per gallon = $42.00 per monthIf your mileage is more or less than 25 MPG, then you need to adjust your calculations based on actual MPG.