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For example, y = ax2 + bx + c (the equation of a parabola).

Every parabola has an axis of symmetry and the graph to either side of the axis of symmetry is a mirror image of the other side. It means that if we know a point on one side of the parabola, we can find its symmetric point to the other side, based on the axis of symmetry. Those symmetric points have opposite x-coordinate values, and the same y-coordinate value. The vertex only is a single point which lies on the axis of symmetry.

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Q: What do you know about a function that is made up of ordered pairs in such a way that the same y-value appears in a correspondence with two different x-values?
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When is function a relation?

A relation is when the domain in the ordered pair (x) is different from the domain in all other ordered pairs. The range (y) can be the same and it still be a function.

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If there are any pairs with the same second element but different first elements, then it is not a function. Otherwise it is.

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What is a function as ordered pairs?

A ordered pair is one of many ways in which a function may be defined. The function maps the element in the first position of an ordered pair to the second element in that pair.

How do you know when an ordered pair could not be in a function?

Evaluate the function at the first number in the pair. If the answer is not equal to the second value, then the ordered pair cannot be in the function.

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If a set of ordered pairs is not a relation, the set can still be a function.

What is the function in algebra of ordered pairs?

The function in algebra of ordered pairs is function notation. For example, it would be written out like: f(x)=3x/4 if you wanted to know three fourths of a number.

How do you determine if you are given a set of ordered pairs that represent a function?

A relation is a set of ordered pairs.A function is a relation such that for each element there is one and only one second element.Example:{(1, 2), (4, 3), (6, 1), (5, 2)}This is a function because every ordered pair has a different first element.Example:{(1, 2), (5, 6), (7, 2), (1, 3)}This is a relation but not a function because when the first element is 1, the second element can be either 2 or 3.

Who Every ordered pair in a table of values can come from a different function. True False?

True, it can, but that would make the table pretty much useless.

What is the first number of the ordered pair of a function called?

The abscissa

What is obligation of not leaving the city?

It appears you could be referring to a court ordered TRAVEL RESTRICTION.