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Q: What do you know about the two mixed numbers?
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Can two mixed numbers fit into two?


Why cant the sum of two mixed numbers be equal to 2?

The sum of two positive mixed numbers can not equal two because all positive mixed numbers are greater then two can be, 1 1/2 and 1/2

How is the concept of mixed numbers applied to the real world?

Find the sum of two mixed numbers by applying the procedure for adding mixed numbers, Solve a real-world problem by subtracting mixed numbers.

How do you Renamin a whole number as mixed fraction?

You cannot. Whole numbers and mixed numbers are two different subsets of the set of numbers.

Why can't two mixed numbers be equal to 2?

The question is misguided because, in fact, two mixed numbers can be added to equal 2. For example: 31/2 and (-11/2), when added together, give 2. There is no reason to restrict mixed numbers to positive mixed numbers!

When is the sum of two negative mixed numbers an integers?

When the sum of the negatives is an integer is when the sum is a whole number

Can the sum of two mixed numbers be equal to two why or why not?

There is only one example where the sum of two mixed numbers can be equal to two. 1/1 + 1/1 All other combinations of mixed numbers will be greater than two.

Can the sums of two mixed numbers be equal to two?


Can the sum of two mixed numbers be equal to two?


Is the product of two positive mixed numbers less than one?

No, the product of two positive mixed numbers can never be less than one.

Is the sum of two mixed numbers always going to be a mixed number?


Is the product of two mixed numbers greater than two factors?
