1.60 is greater than 1.6. When comparing decimals, the number of decimal places is important. In this case, 1.60 has two decimal places while 1.6 has only one. The extra zero in 1.60 signifies that it is more precise and therefore greater than 1.6.
Multiply them by a number greater than 100.
Yes, 0.66 is greater than 0.65. When comparing decimals, you look at the place value of the digits. In this case, both numbers have the same tenths place (0.6), but the hundredths place is different: 0.66 has 6 hundredths, while 0.65 has 5 hundredths. Since 6 is greater than 5, 0.66 is greater than 0.65.
No because 0.45 is greater than 0.045
0.5 percent is greater than 0.15 percent.
In comparing decimals, the key is to look at the place value of each digit. In this case, 0.59 is less than 5.09 because the digit in the tenths place (0.5) is smaller than the digit in the units place (5). Additionally, when comparing decimals, you can also align the decimals and compare digit by digit from left to right. In this case, when aligned, 5.09 is greater than 0.59 because 5 is greater than 0.
0.16 is less than 0.17. When comparing two decimals, you start by looking at the digit in the tenths place. In this case, 0.1 is greater than 0.0, so 0.17 is greater than 0.16.
In comparing 0.5 and 0.12, we can consider their decimal representations. 0.5 is equivalent to 0.50, which is greater than 0.12. When comparing decimals, we look at the digits to the right of the decimal point. In this case, 0.50 is greater than 0.12 because 50 is greater than 12.
No, 0.26 is not greater than 0.3. When comparing decimals, you look at the place value of each digit starting from the left. In this case, 0.3 is greater than 0.26 because the digit in the tenths place (3) is greater than the digit in the hundredths place (6).
No, 0.45 is not greater than 0.8. In decimal form, 0.45 is less than 0.5, while 0.8 is greater than 0.5. When comparing decimals, the placement of the digits to the right of the decimal point determines their value. In this case, 0.8 is greater than 0.45.
Yes, 0.3 is greater than 0.005. When comparing decimals, you look at the place value of each digit. In this case, the tenths place in 0.3 is greater than the thousandths place in 0.005, making 0.3 the larger number.
No, 0.012 is not greater than 0.05. In decimal form, 0.012 is equivalent to 12 thousandths, while 0.05 is equivalent to 50 thousandths. When comparing decimals, the greater the value to the left of the decimal point, the larger the number. Therefore, 0.05 is greater than 0.012.
0.57 > 0.559 0.57 is greater than 0.559 because when you tack on the extra zero on "0.57", it makes it 0.570.
Well, isn't that just a happy little question! When comparing decimals, you want to look at the place value of each digit. In this case, 1.15 is greater than 1.14 because the 5 in the hundredths place is greater than the 4. Just remember, there are no mistakes in decimals, only happy little comparisons!
If a decimal is less than one, it cannot be greater than one.
to make the answer to this problem clear, ignore the decimals for now. now it simply reads that 405 is less than 445. pretty obvious. however, you must understand that the decimals were not just taken away; both numbers had the decimal place moved the same amount of times. therefore, when comparing 56.00009 and 57.01 you cant ignore the decimals and say that 5600009 is greater that 5701. if you move the decimals in both numbers to the right the same amount of times then you get the question, "is 5600009 greater than 5701000?" the answer is no.
Yes, 0.71 is greater than 0.17. When comparing decimals, you look at the place value of each digit starting from the left. In this case, the digit in the tenths place (0.7) is greater in 0.71 compared to 0.17. Therefore, 0.71 is greater than 0.17.