When a number is cubed, such as 3, that means you multiply it by itself 3 times.
Example: 3 cubed = 3x3x3 = 27
It means that when you have a number ex 2 you times it to the power of 3 so
2x2x2=8 because 2x2=4x2=8.
"Eight cubed" is the number 512. I'm not sure what you mean by "the product".
A number is cubed if it is multiplied by itself three times. e.g. x^3 = x*x*x
A number multiplied by itself thrice. 2 x 2 x 2 equals 2 cubed.
No.I think you mean "Is the number 2 a cubic number?" meaning, "Is there any number cubed that will equal 2?".The first cubic number is 1 (13), then 8 (23). So the cubic numbers skip straight past 2.But really if you're asking "Is 2 a cubed number?", then yes it can be. A cubed number would just suggest, "can you cube the number 2"? And yes, 2 cubed = 8.
no nine is not a cubed number. Only 1 and 8 are the cubed number between 0 to 10.
"Eight cubed" is the number 512. I'm not sure what you mean by "the product".
A number is cubed if it is multiplied by itself three times. e.g. x^3 = x*x*x
It means the number to the power of 3.
A number multiplied by itself thrice. 2 x 2 x 2 equals 2 cubed.
No.I think you mean "Is the number 2 a cubic number?" meaning, "Is there any number cubed that will equal 2?".The first cubic number is 1 (13), then 8 (23). So the cubic numbers skip straight past 2.But really if you're asking "Is 2 a cubed number?", then yes it can be. A cubed number would just suggest, "can you cube the number 2"? And yes, 2 cubed = 8.
It means that whatever number comes before the "4 Cubed", then you multiply that number four times by itself. Ex. 4^4=4x4x4x4=256
no nine is not a cubed number. Only 1 and 8 are the cubed number between 0 to 10.
When a number is "cubed", we mean that the number is multiplied by itself twice. For example, 4 cubed (written 43) is equal to 4 x 4 x 4 or 64. Another example: 3.253 (3.25 cubed) is 3.25 x 3.25 x 3.25 = 34.328125 .
It means a number multiplied by itself three times. So, for example, 3 cubed is 3*3*3 = 27
sorta like cubed (³) only by 4, not 3
2 cubed = 8 8 cubed = 512
Yes. 6x6x6=216 When a number is cubed, it is multiplied to the third power.