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They look the exact same if you are not sure measure them and see

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Q: What do you need to know about two figures to be convinced that the two figures are congruent?
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Can figures have congruent angles but not be congruent figures?

The lengths of the sides need not be congruent. For example, consider a square and a rectangle.

Are all similar geometric figures are also congruent?

No, something could be similar to something else, but be bigger. To be congruent they need to be the exactly the same.

How many congruent sides does a pyramid have?

A pyramid need not have any congruent sides.A pyramid need not have any congruent sides.A pyramid need not have any congruent sides.A pyramid need not have any congruent sides.

What else would need to be congruent to show that STU congruent JKL by sas?

We don't know what has already been proven congruent, sowe're in no position to be able to say what elseis required.

What else would need to be congruent to show that efg jkl by sss?

For a start, you would need to know what efg and jkl are.

Are two triangles with corresponding congruent angles congruent?

No, they are similar. They may be congruent, but they need not be.

Why is it helpful to know the number of congruent faces in a figure when you're finding surface area?

You need calculate the area of only one face and multiply the result by the number of congruent faces.

Does a translation change a figures shape or size?

no because if the shape is changed it wouldn't be a translation it wouldn't be congruent and you need it congruent or else it wouldn't be a translation. thank you for reading my answer i really needed this for my homework i had it in my mind but, i forgot it so i decided to look it up and answered my own question. THAT IS MY ANSWER BYE!

What do you need to know about two circles to show that they are congruent?

You need only know the radius of each circle to determine that they are congruent. If the radii are identical, the circles are identical. This can also be determined by comparing the diameters (twice the radii), or the circumferences, or the areas of the circles. In all cases, if the parameters are identical, the circles are identical.

Is a nonagon congruent?

One shape cannot be congruent: you need two (or more) shapes which can be congruent to each other.

What must be true for two figures to be congruent?

All of the angles between the sides need to be the same. The sides can be of any length, but because the angles are the same they will always be in the same ratio to each other.

Can you get sonic figures in UK?

If you need to know if there was or is go look at this website: