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no because if the shape is changed it wouldn't be a translation it wouldn't be congruent and you need it congruent or else it wouldn't be a translation.

thank you for reading my answer i really needed this for my homework i had it in my mind but, i forgot it so i decided to look it up and answered my own question. THAT IS MY ANSWER BYE!

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Q: Does a translation change a figures shape or size?
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Define translation in math?

change of position, shape, or size of figure

How do you do translation math?

Translation refers to moving a shape from one location (on a coordinate grid) to another such that the size and orientation of the shape does not change.

What are pairs of figures of congruent?

Any two figures, polygonal or not, that are the same shape and size. Any two figures, polygonal or not, that are the same shape and size. Any two figures, polygonal or not, that are the same shape and size. Any two figures, polygonal or not, that are the same shape and size.

What is it called when figures have the same shape but not the same size?

Figures that have the same shape but not size are similar. Figures that have the same size are congruent.

Do similar figures have the same shape and size?

Similar means that the figures are the same shape yet not the same size. If the figures are the exact same size and shape, then they are congruent.

What is translation mean when you are talking about congruent figures?

Moving the shape up or down, and left or right but not turning it or changing its size.

Figures that have the same size or shape?

Figures that have the same size are congruent, and the ones that have the same shape are similar.

What is figures with the same size and shape called?

Two figures with the same size and shape called congruent.

What do you call figures with the same size and shape?

You call figures with the same shape and size as congruent shapes. I hope this helped.

What the heck are congruent figures?

Congruent figures are figures that have the same size and shape.

What are figures when they have the same size and shape?

They are congruent. Figures that only have the same size or only have the same shape as each other are "similar".

What does congruence transformations mean?

These are transformations that do not change the shape or size, only its location (translation) or orientation (rotation).