That's the END of a story, tell what you wrote about in your story.
A valid conclusion is when your conclusion is written using the text you have and get it right.
Getting lots and lots of results for say an experiment then deducing a conclusion from them, compared with doing just a few really precise measurements with a few accurate results and deducing your conclusion from that. The same principle could be applied to surveys etc. also
A conclusion is a result that can be drawn from a scientific experiment A reason is an example of proof why or how you know the conclusion is right
No. Conclusion is a noun. A related adverb form is "conclusively."
An empirical conclusion.
In conclusion, and based on the above, we say that.....
Some synonyms of "in conclusion" include therefore and in summary.
One conclusion is that you can say how importaint the coral snake is
Another way to say "in conclusion" is to use phrases like "to wrap up", "in summary", or "to sum up".
As in conclusion (an deireadh)
Your conclusion should say whether your hypothesis was right and if it worked.
in math a conclusion is when you conclude some thing its like......lets say you have 15+6=you would get 21 tht would be a conclusion
if you can't draw a conclusion, let us say, in an experiment worksheet, better read the objectives. your conclusion is based on your objectives.
in conclusion...
Conclusion Finale
To summarize is always good :)
Any conclusion should be based on what has been covered in the project. As we don't know what is in the project it is impossible to say what the conclusion would be.