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A conclusion is a result that can be drawn from a scientific experiment A reason is an example of proof why or how you know the conclusion is right

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Q: What does reasons and conclusion mean?
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Premises. These are statements or propositions that provide evidence or support for a conclusion in an argument.

What involves one or more reasons presented by a speaker or a writer to lead the audience or reader to a conclusion on an issue?

Argumentation involves presenting reasons by a speaker or writer to persuade the audience or reader to reach a particular conclusion on an issue. This process typically includes premises that support the argument and lead to a logical conclusion.

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To reread the conclusion and make any changes it needs

What does conclusion mean in math term?

conclusion in geometry means the answer that you and your group came up to and that is what the word conclusion means in geometry.

What does conclusion and disscusion mean in a science fair?

Conclusion is what you would find at the end of the experiment. The judges would use it as such "What was your conclusion?"

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What does summary of reasons mean?

summery of reasons mean to summarize what your reasons of your opiain