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Q: What do you think globalization has a positive or a negative affect on the world?
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What positive and negative trends that emerged in the northern colonies during the 1700s do you think still affect the US today?

Positive: massive ports, trading, finance, enterprise, and economic development Negative: slavery, and prejudice

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I think that it's a negative number, as a negative times a negative is a positive, and a positive times a negative is a negative, but I could be wrong. (DUN-DUN--DUUUUUN...)

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The answer to this is a little counterintuitive. positive X positive = positive negative X positive = negative positive X negative = negative negative X negative = positive Do you see the pattern? Two positives and two negatives will always be positive. Think of yourself standing on a number line. If you're a positive number you will be facing to the right. If you are multiplied by a positive number you will move to the right (positive). If you are negative number, you will be facing to the left, but when multiplied by a negative number you have to move backwards, which is now to the right--a positive number! Think of yourself as always facing right when a positive number and facing left when a negative number and then go forward or backward with the next number.

Do you think Nationalism has had more of a positive or negative impact on the world?

Nationalism involves a strong identification of a group of individuals with a political entity defined in national terms, so it has had a positive impact on individual countries, but a negative impact on the world as a whole

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hello,I'm chinese.I just think there are more positive effects than the negative sides and I feel it's better than 30years ago.

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negative/positive is equal to a negative think of it like this positive times negative is negative...right? so negative divided by positive is negative or make an example: -20/5 is -4 not 4 good luck...

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positive i think

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The parathyroid glands are involved in negative feedback regulation of blood calcium levels. When blood calcium levels are low, the parathyroid glands release parathyroid hormone (PTH) to increase calcium levels by stimulating calcium release from bones, absorption from the intestines, and reabsorption from the kidneys. Once calcium levels are restored, the release of PTH is inhibited, demonstrating negative feedback control.